Democracy University Vol. 5:
Iraq/Jackson/Ward Valley/Int'l Criminal Court
Dear Justicevision Supporter-
El nin~o has nothing on the flood of issues and events we've had the
opportunity to videotape lately. We hope it isn't too soon since our last
announcement, but with so many important issues to cover and promising events
on the horizon, we are trying not to get too far behind.
Democracy University Volume 5 includes 4 programs. The first includes a new
documentary and eyewitness testimony (by Ramsey Clark and others) about the
devasting effects of the US/UN embargo upon the people of Iraq. The second
program is part of an event honoring Martin Luther King which includes talks
by Jesse Jackson, Cal State University President Blenda Wilson, and comedian
Steve Allen (who also demonstrates his abilities as a jazz pianist). The third
event is a guided walking tour of the proposed nuclear dumpsite Ward Valley,
where a handful of resistors is holding off the effort by the Bureau of Land
Management to perform tritium testing as a step toward converting this sacred
Native American site to a 1000 acre open pit radioactive waste dump (they need
our help- go there!). The last event is about the effort to deter atrocities
such as those that have occurred in Bosnia and Rwanda and to enforce human
rights by establishing an International Criminal Court to prosecute genocide.
This event includes testimony by U.S. Ambassador At Large for War Crimes
Issues David Scheffer, and by Happy Mutesi, sole surviving member of a Rwandan
family massacred in a refugee camp in 1994.
The video with the above described four events is 6 hours and 6 minutes long,
and is available for any donation of $10 or more. Please order by phone or
email and send your donation after you get the videotape, in the remittance
envelope we will send along with the videotape. When ordering, please give us
a complete name and address, your phone number, and an email address if you
have one and are ordering by phone, so we can inform you about new tapes when
we make them available. Be sure you tell us which tape you are ordering; if
ordering the above described videotape, you can refer to it as DU5.
On behalf of my wife, Maria, and our four kids at home, Julia (12), Alex (7),
Blase (5), and Charlene (3), I want to thank the majority of you that have
supported us by sending in your pledges, and those that have helped
additionally by sending along an extra donation and/or have placed orders for
additional tapes. We are almost to the place where we are able to cover all
our bills without going further into debt on the credit cards. Hopefully,
those of you that haven't sent in your pledges will do so, so we can start
paying down the credit cards and my student loans, and hopefully, be able to
take the family on a vacation this summer. If you've ordered tapes you haven't
received yet, sometimes I'm out of something and it takes a while to locate
the originals and get more copies made, especially when I've had a lot of new
events to tape and make copies of, as has been the case lately.
I hope some of you are thinking about putting on events where you show the
Democracy University videotapes. Ten to twelve years ago I organized a group
called Socially Responsible Singles (but everybody was welcome, single or not)
where we usually had speakers on issues but sometimes showed videos of other
events I had videotaped, some of which drew quite well, even though a donation
was requested at the door. I don't think anyone has tried putting out
announcements for a "Democracy University" series, but if so, I would love to
hear what happened. I am generally asked to tape on short notice; together
with my other responsibilities it is hard for me to organize now, but I think
that the possibility of a decentralized organization of interacting chapters
that build on each other's experiences is there, and could even generate
modest sustainers for its organizers.
Thanks again for your support. Stay in touch!
Ralph Cole, organizer of Justicevision, Los Angeles, Ca.
(213) 747-6345;
[email protected]
PS: In case you are thinking about ordering earlier videos in the series but
don't recall which was which,
DU1 was the LoriBerenson/NoamChomsky/HelenCaldicott/Dugger video,
DU2 was the DavidKorten/TonyClarke/Grossman/Zinn/Ivins video (on MAI and
DU3 was the HowardZinn/StudsTerkel/RalphNader video, which also included
speeches by Winona LaDuke, Ronnie Dugger, and a number of others, and
DU4 was the GoreVidal/ChristopherHitchens/MAI/Virgo/Duesberg video.
I will be happy to send complete descriptions of each videotape upon request.
Like the new one, they are each about 6 hours long and are available for any
donation of $10 or more.
Before forwarding this letter to friends you may wish to add your name and
address to the list below. Also, you may want to send a thank you, either a
note or a small gift (like a dollar), to those who passed the information
along to you. By remembering those who passed this
message along to you in this manner, you will be helping this information to
reach an ever-expanding audience.
1. Michael Stec, 2131 Westmount Rd NW, Calgary,AB, Canada T2N 3N3
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